A2 Ghee

We're passionate about bringing you the purest, most wholesome A2 ghee possible. We believe taste and tradition go hand-in-hand, which is why we follow the time-tested bilona method for crafting our ghee. But our commitment goes beyond the process – it starts with the well-being of our Sahiwal cows.


Happy Cows, Healthy Ghee.: Our cows roam freely in spacious pastures, enjoying fresh air and sunshine. We prioritize their comfort and well-being, ensuring a stress-free life. Their diet is meticulously crafted. We provide a healthy mix of methighas (fresh green legumes), makka ghas (corn fodder), and dry feed, along with a constant supply of clean, fresh water. This natural nourishment is reflected in the quality of their milk. Maintaining a clean environment is paramount. We ensure their living space is hygienic, with daily cleaning routines to promote overall cow health.

The bilona method is a traditional process passed down through generations. Unlike commercially produced ghee, ours is simmered gently over a wood fire. This slow cooking process allows the milk's natural flavors to develop, resulting in a richer, more satisfying taste.

Each batch of Kisan Basket ghee is hand-crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Our skilled artisans ensure the purity and quality of every jar. The slow simmering separates the milk solids from the clarified butterfat. This creates a lactose and casein-free ghee, making it suitable for those with dietary restrictions.

A2 ghee, made from the milk of cows that naturally produce only A2 beta-casein protein, offers a range of potential health benefits.

A2 ghee is believed to be easier to digest than regular ghee, especially for those with lactose sensitivities.

A2 ghee is a natural source of vitamins A, D, E, and K2, essential for overall health.

The traditional bilona method unlocks the ghee's natural richness, adding depth and a unique flavor to your dishes.

At Kisan Basket, we're more than just ghee makers. We're passionate about providing a healthy, sustainable product crafted with care and tradition. When you choose Kisan Basket A2 ghee, you're not just adding a delicious ingredient to your meals; you're supporting ethical animal husbandry and a commitment to pure, wholesome food.