Organic Fertilizer

We believe in the power of nature to nourish and sustain. That's why we cultivate a variety of crops on our farm using traditional, sustainable methods that are good for both you and the environment.


Our commitment to sustainability starts with the soil. We use vermicompost, a nutrient-rich fertilizer created by composting with worms, to enrich our soil naturally. This not only promotes healthy plant growth but also improves soil structure and water retention. Additionally, we incorporate organic fertilizers, further nourishing the soil and avoiding harmful chemicals often used in conventional farming.

Our farm is a vibrant tapestry of diverse crops, each offering its unique benefits:

Turmeric: This golden wonder is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. We cultivate turmeric using traditional methods to preserve its natural goodness.

Safflower: This beautiful flower not only adds a vibrant touch to our fields but also yields safflower oil, a healthy cooking oil rich in essential fatty acids.

Sunflower: Not just a source of cheerful blooms, sunflowers are also cultivated for their nutritious seeds, a popular snack and a versatile ingredient in various dishes.

Groundnut: A powerhouse of protein and healthy fats, groundnuts are a valuable addition to any diet. We cultivate them using sustainable practices to ensure their quality and taste.

Mustard: This pungent seed adds a zesty kick to your meals. We cultivate mustard using natural methods, preserving its unique flavor and aroma.

The Kisan Basket Difference:

By choosing Kisan Basket, you're not just getting delicious, fresh produce; you're supporting sustainable farming practices that:

Nourish the soil: Our commitment to organic fertilizers and vermicompost ensures healthy soil for future generations.

Protect the environment: We avoid harmful chemicals, minimizing our impact on the environment.

Promote biodiversity: Our diverse range of crops supports a healthy ecosystem on our farm.

At Kisan Basket, we're passionate about providing you with wholesome, flavorful crops cultivated with care and respect for the environment. Choose Kisan Basket and taste the difference that sustainable farming makes!