Sihor Wheat Flour

Sihor wheat flour is a premium variety of whole wheat flour that is grown in the Sihor region of Madhya Pradesh, India. It is known for its high nutritional value, soft texture, and nutty flavor. Sihor wheat flour is naturally low in gluten and has a low glycemic index, making it a good choice for people with diabetes or other dietary restrictions.Sihor wheat flour is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including iron, calcium, and magnesium. It is also a good source of protein and complex carbohydrates. Sihor wheat flour is a versatile flour that can be used to make a variety of dishes, including chapatis, rotis, parathas, bread, cakes, and cookies.

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Wheat Sowing

Wheat sowing is the process of planting wheat seeds in the ground. It is an important step in wheat production, and it is important to do it correctly to ensure a good harvest. The best time to sow wheat is in the winter season, from October to November. The ideal sowing time varies depending on the region and climate. It is important to monitor the wheat crop closely after sowing. This will help you to identify and address any problems early on.

Wheat Sowing

Wheat Irrigation

Wheat irrigation is the process of applying water to wheat plants to meet their water needs. Wheat is a relatively drought-tolerant crop, but it still requires regular irrigation, especially during the early stages of growth and during the flowering and grain-filling stages. The amount of water required for wheat irrigation depends on a variety of factors, including the climate, the soil type, and the variety of wheat. In general, wheat requires about 350-600 mm of water per growing season.

Wheat Irrigation

Heading Stage

The heading stage of wheat is the stage when the wheat heads emerge from the flag leaf sheath. The flag leaf is the last leaf to emerge from the wheat plant, and it is located just below the head. The heading stage is an important stage in the wheat life cycle, as it marks the beginning of flowering and grain filling. Flowering is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male flowers (staminodes) to the female flowers (pistils). Grain filling is the process by which the fertilized flowers develop into grains.

Heading stage of wheat

Flowering Stage

The flowering stage of wheat is the stage when the wheat flowers open and pollination occurs. Pollination is the process by which pollen from the male flowers (staminodes) is transferred to the female flowers (pistils). Once a female flower is pollinated, it develops into a grain. The flowering stage of wheat typically occurs 4-5 months after sowing, depending on the variety of wheat and the growing conditions. The flowering stage is an important stage in the wheat life cycle, as it determines the number of grains that the plant will produce. A good flowering stage is essential for a good yield.

flowering stage

Grain Filling Stage Of Wheat

The grain-filling stage of wheat is the stage when the fertilized flowers develop into grains. The grain-filling stage typically begins 2-3 weeks after flowering and lasts for about 2-3 weeks. During the grain-filling stage, the grains accumulate starch, protein, and other nutrients. The grains also increase in size and weight. The grain filling stage is an important stage in the wheat life cycle, as it determines the size and quality of the grains. A good grain-filling stage is essential for a good yield.

Grain filling stage of wheat

Maturity Stage Of Wheat

The maturity stage of wheat is the stage when the grains are fully ripe and ready to be harvested. The maturity stage typically occurs 4-5 months after sowing, depending on the variety of wheat and the growing conditions. There are a number of ways to determine if wheat is mature and ready to be harvested. One way is to look at the color of the grains. When the grains are ripe, they will be a golden brown color. Another way to determine if wheat is mature is to look at the moisture content of the grains. When the grains are ripe, they will have a moisture content of about 12-14%. It is important to harvest wheat at the right time. If wheat is harvested too early, the grains will be too immature and will not yield well. If wheat is harvested too late, the grains may start to shatter, which can also reduce the yield.

Maturity stage of wheat

Harvesting Of Wheat

Harvesting wheat is the process of cutting the wheat plants and collecting the grains. Wheat is typically harvested using a combine harvester. A combine harvester is a machine that cuts the wheat plants, separates the grains from the stems, and cleans the grains. Wheat is typically harvested when the grains are mature and ready to be harvested. The maturity stage of wheat is typically reached 4-5 months after sowing, depending on the variety of wheat and the growing conditions.

Harvesting of wheat

Final Product

Once the wheat has been harvested, it is important to store it in a cool, dry place. Wheat can be stored in a variety of ways, including in silos, bags, or bins.


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Sihor Wheat Flour