Kisan Baskets Safflower Oil

A rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats safflower oil is healthy cooking oil. It has a lower saturated fat content than most oils. It can also relax blood vessels and can reduce blood pressure. Safflower oil can be used to hydrate the skin and is great for rough and unevenly toned skin. It can also be used on the body as a conditioner.

380.00 329.00

Emergence Stage Of Safflower

The Safflower crop is cultivated in the rabi season from September to October. As this crop requires less water, safflower crop grows well in light to medium-heavy soils. 4 kg of seed per acre is sown. This crop is very beneficial for arid, horticultural land in Maharashtra.


Stem Elongation Stage Of Safflower

After 21 days of sowing, the safflower crop reaches the stage of stem strengthening. This stage is completed on the water given after sowing. If the sowing is done on time, the crop will grow better without pest infestation.

Stem Elongation Stage Of Safflower

Branching Stage Of Safflower

The safflower crop starts to sprout after 45 days after sowing. If the sowing is thinned, the sorghum crop has a large number of branches, which gives a higher yield. Along with the branches, the saffron crop gets thorns in this stage. The crop can withstand water stress till this stage

Branching Stage Of Safflower

Flowering Stage Of Safflower

The safflower crop starts flowering after 60 days after sowing. The safflower crop produces flowers of yellow, and saffron colors. Meanwhile, the crop also gets thorns. Kardai petals are very important as medicine. These petals are mainly used for making medicines, dyes, and cosmetics.

Flowering Stage Of Safflower

Harvesting Stage Of Safflower

The safflower crop is ready in 120 to 135 days. After the crop is ready, the color of the crop changes. After the leaves and pods of this crop turn yellow, the crop should be harvested. With a threshing machine, safflower can be harvested in less time and at less cost. Clean grain comes out of this machine.

Mature Stage Of Safflower

Safflower Oil Extraction Process

After harvesting the safflower crop, the safflower seeds are dried in the sun for 2 days. The waste is removed. Then the oil is extracted on a wooden ghana machine. No pressure is applied while extracting the oil. The oil is filtered with cotton cloth and the oil is packed in bottles and ready for sale.

Oil Extraction process

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